Planet Earth Healing Vortex
Sat, Sep 23
Thank you for joining us for this powerful healing. Please listen to the recording of feedback on our page link below....

Time & Location
Sep 23, 2023, 1:00 PM EDT – Sep 24, 2023, 2:00 PM EDT
About the event
Earth Healing
FEEDBACK from our Healers:
"This great love came over me in the healing in connecting to a chelation. The 1st chakra was not feeling charged connection to the earth, and in allow of the connection it was beautiful. The ankles to the knees felt charged was brilliant. The hip areas created a pyramid that created 2 pyramids coming into one. Pleasure and Joy flow like a river of water. Then the 2nd to the 1st level a bright and strong divine light connected to the earth. I saw an image of an angel pouring in light here. The 2nd to the third level created a infinity of energy flow. The the 3rd to4th levels flowed in Love, Love, Love from the Divine that filled the all who where present and expanded out to the Universe. A cleansing fire to the heart to the mind. The group was supported from the Celestial realms when I saw another angel on the left supporting the healing. Holding the head at the 6th chakra another Angel came and this light filled the Haric dimension. It was so beautiful and magnificent.
was inspired to call forth the ancestors of the waters, specifically of the primordial, fresh water bodies of the inner earth. In Hawaiian culture, the mo’o goddess, Kihawahine is the guardian and protector of these waters, the primary feminine energy of creation, unity and abundance.
Working deep below the earths surface in these untouched, ancient waters to activate a cellular memory template that has become dry through modernization and distortion of truth. When we tap into these deep inner earth waters,"the well never goes dry” thus changing the feminine distortion of over giving and self-neglect, remembering our grounded, like deep earth grounded-sacredness and reflecting/transmitting our this sacredness.
Mahalo for the healing
“Aligning to connect with participants - went into love-self. Love-it’s important for us feel we love our body and appreciate where we come from-elements, minerals, stardust, sunshine, rain
Self love was interrupted by doubting belief systems-
Pure nature the trees the animals-elephant represented confidence and stood in front of the sunset majestically
Wild - big sweeping expanses..
Both cosmos the galaxy-everything is here
Grounding this into who we are
Fire burning and elements
UH holding hands
Distortions -poison our planet
Nature within us - healthy body = healthy life.
was holding alignment and Christ energy
Hearing the cries of the waters…… Oceans = bodily fluids
We were trusted the Earth like our bodies
The gift so vast
What did we do
How can we find corrections and change
To honour and respect ourself and home planet
Bring balance
Hope for ALL.
Allowing us to hear the cries
And respond to themThen I closed with a 6th level uplift and 7th level of light to the clients, healers, to the 4 Directions, above us, about us and around us, the Divine Spirit."
This Planet Earth is our home and our physical bodies are made up of her.
Please join us on the Autumnal Equinox (in the northern hemisphere) to create a powerful energy vortex. We will be supporting all Life on Earth, with a deep exploration of how we are part of this planet. Our healing and the healing of the Earth is inextricable.
Our bodies and Gaia are symbiotic with each other. We share the great mystery with Earth, as well as the chemical elements, microorganisms, and water. We claim that we know everything about our planet but we don’t, there is still mystery about inner Earth and in the surface. There is mystery in our bodies as well. We are one with Pacha Mama. This planet supports our embodied life experience constantly.
As our individual bodies hold a Hara Line, Chakras and Energy Meridians, the Earth has similar mechanisms in its Ley Lines, Energy Vortices and Hara line. In this healing we will bring the highest consciouness and love to all.
We find the same minerals in our bones and muscles, we have the same water flowing in our lymphs and blood, we have the same air filling our lungs, we have the same fire in our digestive system. We live in the Energy Field of Planet Earth. Everything working with divine precision.
In healing the Earth we heal our selves. There is no real separation between our bodies and mother Earth.
We are part of the transformation of Earth and Humanity's shift into 5th Dimension or New Earth and it is time for us to take responsiblity and evolve into our highest potential.
Change comes from within.
So we need to stand in our own Power.... right now.
There is immense promise for our future – and we can start creating it right now! today!
You are the change – so start with your own life!
There five systems of Earth: the Geosphere (earth, rocks, minerals), Biosphere(all life and ecosystems), Cryosphere (Earths climate incl ice, snow), Hydrosphere (Waters), and Atmosphere (air or gases). Like our bodies, all of these systems interact to produce a balanced and healthy planet.
The Hydrosphere: the ocean holds about 97 percent of the Earth's water; the remaining three percent is distributed in glaciers and ice, below the ground, in rivers and lakes, and in the atmosphere. When we heal the hydrosphere, we send healing energy into the earth’s oceans, clouds, rivers, lakes and glaciers. We invite the water element to balance with earth, air and fire. We invite pure waters to be restored to the earth and for the planet to exchange water from land to air, from oceans to forests, and to be in balance across the continents. We invite healing of droughts, flooding, uncontrolled storms and hurricanes.
On a spiritual level, water is connected with cleansing our energy, purification, and renewal. This element also embodies strength, clarity, and persistence. Water moves around and through obstacles set in its path with grace, and cascades into the unknown with power and tenacity. In this healing, we heal the water element as it exists inside and around us.
Please invite all your friends and family to be part of this healing.
To join please add the name and email address per person.
Please use this beautiful guided meditation to prepare for or do during the manifestation healing.... See Experience page on website.
Earth Healing Vortex
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