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The pancreas has dual roles - it is an organ of the Digestive system and of the Endocrine system.


The exocrine pancreas produces enzymes that help to digest food, particularly protein. The endocrine pancreas makes the hormone insulin, which helps to control blood sugar levels.


May 22nd, 11am-12pm EDT


Its main functions include:


It produces insulin, which helps the body manage and use sugars.

The pancreas also produces dietary juices, called enzymes, that help with digestion.


The pancreas makes and stores "turned off" versions of the enzymes. After the pancreas sends the enzymes into the small intestine, they are "turned on" and break down proteins in the small intestine.

If the enzymes are turned on too soon, they can start acting like digestive juices inside the pancreas. The action can irritate, damage or destroy cells.

This problem, in turn, leads to immune system responses that cause swelling and other events that affect how the pancreas works.



    • Diabetes
    • Inflamation
    • Gallstones
    • Alcohol use.
    • Medication damage.
    • Smoking damage
    • Obesity
    • High triglyceride levels in the blood.
    • High calcium levels in the blood.
    • Pancreas cancer.
    • Injuries from trauma or surgery.
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