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The VOICE is your unique sound. You are recognized by your voice.

3 subsystems help the mechanism that produces the voice.


August 10th 8-9pm ET


-Air pressure system: Diaphragm, chest muscles, lungs, ribs, and abdominal muscles.

-Vibratory System: Voice box or Larynx and Vocal Cords.

-Resonating System: Vocal tract: throat, oral cavity, and nasal passages.


The unique physiology of your body and psycho/energetic dynamics around your throat help to create your voice.


The main chakra that is directly involved with the sound of your voice is the 5th. The senses of smell, taste, and hearing are related to your 5th chakra.

Your 4th chakra is directly involved with your voice because is the chakra that connects us with others and we use our voice to connect.


Healing the energetic blocks on your 5th and 4th chakra will help to free your capacity to connect and express the truth of who you are.


In the throat area, often we find a disconnection with the purpose of your soul for this lifetime. Healing and aligning with your soul purpose will bring the most authentic expression of who you are.


Your voice could be a natural expression of your light instead of an expression of your trauma.


Let and love the sound of your voice resonate in this reality. 

Be your voice, be authentic.


Healing The VOICE

    • Speech issues
    • Inablity to say your truth
    • Stuttering
    • Mutism
    • High or low voice
    • Vocal cord or throat disorders (incl cancers) 
    • Spasmodic Dysphonia
    • Larynx problems
    • Laryngitis 
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