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This includes the Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth and Skin. These Five Senses are our link to the external world.... These delicate organs and systems allow us to experience life and our environment. To feel the world around us, connect and enjoy life.


April 2nd, 11am-12pm ET.

When one system is weakened or out of balance our ability to connect with our life and others is diminished.

Most of the organs that help us to sense our environment are directly connected with the Ectoderm that is the newest outer layer of our brain. We could say that our capacity to. perceive is always evolving as it does the Ectoderm. Working with the different energy levels of our New Brain, we can enhance our perception of reality and expand our consciousness into the nuances of the new reality that we are now perceiving. Increasing your High Sense Perception can be a reality when working with the part of the brain that holds the physical aspects of our sensory system.



  • Do you or a loved one suffer from:

    • EYE Disease
    • Cataracts
    • Glaucoma
    • Short/ long sightedness
    • Eczema
    • Melanoma
    • Psoriasis
    • Acne
    • Cold sores
    • Teeth Issues
    • Allergies
    • Respiratory problems
    • Snoring
    • Deafness
    • Tinnitus
    • Struggle to connect and feel the world around you
    • Struggle to receive others or feel received

    This healing works on the whole field, including these specific organs and systems, clearing the energies and blockages and allowing the natural balance, bringing health and healing.

    Balancing, clearing and healing all of this system allows us to engage in life fully and feel its joy.

    Sight helps us to see the world and to see others. If you have your sight connected with your 6th chakra you can see the deep beauty and harmony everywhere.


    Hearing, Taste and Smell are related with the energies of the 5th chakra. These senses help us to trust Life. We can discern between Truth and Lies; between healthy and unhealthy smells and between pleasurable and not so much tastes.

    The tactile sense is strongly related with the skin and the 1st level of the field. It is our physical boundary and helps us to feel pleasure or pain. It is connected with the nervous system and reaches all the corners of our body.

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